Episode 74

Published on:

24th Jun 2024

Ancient Secrets for the Modern World - Genesis - Louisiana Governor trying to put the Ten commandments back into kids classrooms

Louisiana's Governor is actively working on reintroducing the principles of the Ten Commandments into the education system, emphasizing the importance of God's teachings in our daily lives. Just as Adam and Eve sought guidance by following God's instructions in the garden, adhering to His word can lead us to find happiness, peace, and a sense of security. It is crucial to embrace the truth and reject the lies propagated by the devil. By prioritizing the values and principles outlined in the Ten Commandments, we can cultivate a life filled with joy, tranquility, and assurance. Let's focus on spiritual truths, divine guidance, and freedom from deceit to experience a life enriched with happiness and serenity. #Louisiana #TenCommandments #GodsTeachings #SpiritualGrowth #PeaceandJoy #DivineGuidance #Happiness #Serenity #Security #TruthandValues.

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Faith Boost
5 minute messages for people on the go who want to connect to God in the midst of their busy lives
Hi this is Pastor Andrew McLennan! I'm creating these 5 minute podcasts for active people like us. We all want to have a strong relationship with God in the midst of our hectic lifestyles. My hope and prayer is that you will be encouraged as you listen! Please leave a comment and review.

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DJ Paine